Ferienhof Almfrieden Balderschwang - Gschwend
Bauernhof/ Ferienhof
Idealer Platz für Ihre Erholung mit Kindern
Sie erhalten im Haus frische Eier unserer Hühner und täglich außer Sonntags frische Brötchen.
Für Ihre kleinen stellen wir Ihnen gerne ein Babybettchen mit Wäsche und einen Hochstuhl(gegen ges. 10 € - einmalig) zur Verfügung.
Haustiere dürfen Sie nach Absprache gerne mitbringen.
Ihre gebuchte Wohnung ist ab 14 Uhr des Anreisetages bezugsfertig. Wir bitten diese am Abreisetag bis 09.30 Uhr wieder freizugeben.
<b>Welcome to the Almfrieden house in Balderschwang! </b> In a beautiful Allgaeu high valley, you will find the smallest region in Bavaria that is at the same time the highest in Germany: Balderschwang - 1044 m above sea level. Those suffering from allergies can breath freely by us, because the mountain air is absolutely free of mites and contains considerably less pollen. By us you can relax and go for hikes on a network of easily accessible hiking paths in the high mountain world of the Allgaeu mountains. <br /><br /><b>Our vacation home</b> was built in a cozy country style, the<b> vacation apartments</b> were furnished with care and love. Next to the house you will find out cozy <b>mountain lodge</b> where you can enjoy your breakfast or dinner. Especially popular are grill evenings or lodge evenings with food or other attractions.
<b>A small farm belongs to the house</b>, Your children will take unforgettable impressions back home: cows, calves, goats, rabbits, ducks, chicken and the cats are there to be pet. During the summe, calves are not fed by humans, but rather they get their nutrients from milk from the mother cow, a special experience for big and small. Your children will love the sunny playground by the house.
Ganz in der nähe besteht die Möglichkeit für Reitkurse Schnupperkurse sowie Reitmöglichkeit. Nearby you will have the option to go to horseback riding courses for beginners and horseback riding options.
We look forward to your vacation!